Hari Om
It is a great pleasure to welcome Achyutananda, who many of you may know as a senior teacher of Satyananda Yoga, and a one-time coordinator of the Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe.
Starting on 11th and 14th October respectively, he will guide you through the processes of Ajapa Japa and Antar Mouna, the two foundational meditation practices of yoga.
In each of these courses, the meditative experience will be enhanced with specially selected asanas and yoga nidra.
For more information, head over to our website. If you’re not yet part of our network, you can join for free, by using any of the “Join Us” buttons on the page.
I look forward to welcoming you there, and hope you’ll enjoy the new courses - whichever you may choose to attend - and other parts of our network and community.
Om Tat Sat